Thursday, November 20, 2014

Waveland to Beaumont

I left the Infinity Science Center in the middle of the afternoon and drove west through Louisiana toward Texas.  (side note: The gas prices are cheaper in the eastern half of the state than they are in the western half of the the state with Baton Rouge being the central dividing line.  So, gas up early if you are planning on driving west or hold off if you are going east).  Between Baton Rouge and Lafayette is the 22 mile long bridge that crosses the bayou in that area of lower Louisiana.  Nice ride, lower speed limits and a big ol' drop off from the bridge to the swamp below.  As I drive over the bridge today the lowering sun is blinding and the wind shield visor has a hard time holding back the rays.  I bear with it as the sun seems to be lowering quickly.  I have a local radio station playing zydeco music mixed with local news and community banter and as the sun sets and the zydeco music fades and the radio picks up the tejano music, I know I am leaving Louisiana behind and entering Texas.  Beaumont is 25 miles down the road and a bed awaits me there.

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