Thursday, November 17, 2016

spam cassarole

I'm not sure what made me do this but maybe I was remembering something from my childhood and I was trying to re-create a moment there.  Don't fully know.  I do remember, though, helping my Mom make spam casserole.  Very simple to make, just a few ingredients,  and I know the casserole fed all of us.  The spam was sliced and placed in rows on the bottom of a glass pyrex baking dish (light green on the outside and white on the inside) (the baking dish, not the spam).  Next, chunks of canned yams were placed (or poked) around the spam pieces.  A layer of canned pineapple (always sliced!) was arranged on top of the spam and yams.  Then--o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o yummy--a mixture of brown sugar, melted butter and a little pineapple juice was put on the top.  Then it was baked until bubbly and served hot.  wow-e-e!!  Well, that's what I remember and I just felt like it was time to make it again.  It IS colder weather now and this IS a comfort food dish perfect for a chilly evening supper.  Came out just as I expected and the left overs were good for the next few days served on a crunchy piece of toast--open face style.  Leftovers, you ask?  Why would that be?  Because no one else wanted to eat the casserole I so lovingly made!!  Just me and my spam casserole.  By myself.  They had no idea what they were missing.  Really! no idea!  wink,wink  

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